Saturday, March 17, 2018

Doctor My Tummy Hurts!

These doctors aren't very bright - they are clumsy and messy. Their patients are in for a big surprise when they come in for tummy aches and are suddenly prescribed surgery! What is inside these tummies that are causing so much pain? The answer is an even more startling surprise - but nothing a little tape can't fix.
We are trying some new branding. Let us know what you think on Youtube. Thanks, The Castleman Family

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Little Red Riding Hood starring baby Ozzie

Our 5-month-old baby boy, Ozzie, plays the Big Bad Wolf in our rendition of the classic fairytale "Little Red Riding Hood". Our other kids play the rest of the cast. Hazel plays the grandma.

If you like the video, give us a thumbs up!


The Castleman Family

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The girls pull off some classic pranks on uncle Andrew

We have narrowed down history's pranks to the top 3 most classic and epic ever!! Evie, Clara and Hazel test these old time favorites on their uncle Andrew.

Which gag was your favorite?

Banana Peel? Whoopie Cushion? Pie in the Face? Cast your vote!


The Castleman Family

Teaching our 7-year-old daughter Latin with Memoria Press

Come homeschool with us! Today we take you through our Latin studies. Watch a bit of the Memoria Press Latin curriculum and lesson plan as well as our plan of attack. This is our first year of Latin and we begin with our second grader, our 7-year-old daughter, Evie.

Are you a homeschool family? Do you use Memoria Press? What did you think of our video?

Let us know!


The Castleman Family

The joy of childhood in all four seasons!

This is a compilation of the Castleman kids, and the rest of the family, having fun in all four seasons. We like to reminisce and watch our kids play in the swimming pool during summer, play in the autumn leaves, and chuck snowballs during winter.

This video celebrates the joy of being a kid.

Also, who said Southern California didn't have four seasons? Everybody. We know!

I hope you enjoy this video, and if you like it, leave us a comment on Youtube. We'd appreciate that!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Castleman Family Fun Youtube playlist is growing!

There are now 57 videos in the Castleman Family Fun playlist! Now you can watch a few hours of the Castleman Family Youtube videos all in one place.

Here is a partial list of the videos we've made so far.

  1. Riding Motorcycles Vroom! Vroom!
  2. Making Deviled Eggs fun with the kids
  3. An outing dressed as identical triplets
  4. Exploring Tide Pools and visiting the Aquarium
  5. Baby's First Bubble Bath
  6. Kids Visit the Autry Museum
  7. Our first day learning how to play Kickball
  8. Backyard Fair
  9. How to get kids to eat their vegetables
  10. Baby Cupid at our door! Cute Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt
  11. Cardboard Toy Craft for Valentines
  12. We found a robot and opened its secret!
  13. Living with a real magician
  14. Mom's surprise sea life shadow puppets!
  15. The kids make their own Sunprints!
  16. We found ducklings in our swimming pool!
  17. Bean Boozled Challenge: A black and white silent film
  18. Amazing child artist: Clara's drawing
  19. Teaching our kids Latin at Homeschool
  20. The Three Little Kittens Nursery Rhyme 
  21. Let's hide our painted Rocks! 
  22. Visiting a Stranger Park
  23. Baby's First Time at the Zoo! 
  24. Kid's Doing Classic Gags and Pranks
  25. Little Red Riding Hood starring Baby Ozzie as the Cutest Wolf
  26. Gummy Food vs Real Food
  27. Tiny Doctors Treat Big Baby
  28. Kids get trapped inside their own drawing
  29. The kids make their own gooey glittery slime!

Plus many more....

Thursday, March 1, 2018

6 year-old Evie does her Miranda Sings impression! | The Castleman Family

Our little girl Evie learned how to impersonate Miranda Sings on her own. She shared her impersonation with us for the first time about six months ago. Evie is 7 now, but she was actually only 6 years old when she recorded this. I guess Mom and Dad were watching a lot of Haters Back Off episodes and Miranda Sings videos. Evie's homeschooled just like Miranda. Ha ha.